Car only starts in the morning or on cool days. The car wont be able to start if the alternator cant provide enough voltage output necessary. Planning To Travel Easily Apply Personal Loan Through Myfundbucket Visit Www Myfundbucket Com Personal Loan T Personal Loans Buy And Sell Cars Good Afternoon Sometimes this issue makes your car hard to start but runs fine once it gets going. . Hi i have a 97 silverado ive been having an issue with it not wanting to start in the morning for work and if it does it runs very choppy and and back fires like crazy now when i get home after work 9 hours in the sun it starts right up and runs smooth the fuel pressure jumps around 55-65 in the morning when i check it. Have the fuel pressure leak down and pressures checked and the failure isolated between the pump and the regulator. If you see power there then is a faulty connection between the clutch switch and the solenoid. If I try a few ti...